What's Being Done To Protect?

Important Facts Of What Is Being Done To Protect Spotted Owls:
Government And People
The spotted owl is an endangered owl and that is exactly why we should all take a stand and try to help protect them; especially their habitat.

The government is helping in ways they can,
but it still continues to be a challenge to help protect
spotted owls.
  • In 1990 and 2002, these owls were monitored yearly in British Colombia. This helps biologists/ scientists understand the owl's habitat requirements. That way, when it comes to preserving habitats, they know exactly what is needed for the spotted owl to survive.
  • In 2002, a spotted owl recovery team was made. Once again, this team tried to find out more about the habitat and population of the spotted owl in order to help protect its habitat. 
  • The spotted owl recovery team is working on a recovery action plan mainly focusing on habitat protection.
  • As these acts were taken to help understand and protect forests, the current management plan is allowing clusters of old-growth forests to be preserved which can help support 1,500-2000 territories.
  • For the government aspect, the spotted owl is protected under the federal Species at Risk Act and the British Colombia Wildlife Act which makes it illegal to harm the owl, their nests as well as their eggs.
  • Nature is beautiful, we shouldn't
    destroy all of it.
  • Lastly, most of the sites where spotted owls are are in provincial parks or other areas that are all protected.
Although it continues to be a large challenge for recovery, steps are being taken to help protect the spotted owl. No threatened animal has done more to change how we use land. (Welch)

People continue to help try to make a difference and help protect the spotted owl.