The Actions Of The Spotted Owl

Words You Need To Know:
Habitats: A home/ place to live where all five basic needs of survival are met.
Incubating: When eggs are laid, they are sat on top of, or kept warm, by the mother or father.
Mate: A mate is like a father and mother who are together to reproduce.
Migrate: To fly to a warmer area, especially during colder seasons.
Nocturnal: An animal that is awake during the night and sleeps during the day.
Offspring: Children, or in this case, baby animals.
Old-growth forests: A forest that is old and thus has various structures of trees.
Reproduce: To produce/have a child, or in this case, an animal.

 Important Facts of the Behaviour of a Spotted Owl:

It's An Owl That Behaves...
Spotted Owl's may look almost identical to other owls, but what about their behaviour?
A map showing where the
Spotted Owl can be found, in British
  • Spotted Owls prefer certain habitats where they are found, which is in British Columbia or Mexico.
  • They prefer old-growth forests, however the forests must have tree canopies that are sizeable for the owl to fly between and beneath the trees.
  • The spotted owl needs a ton of land for nesting and hunting purposes.
  • This owl does not migrate, but it may switch to another forest because of weather (ex.heavy winters that make hunting difficult)
  • Other than habitat preference, this owl is nocturnal, meaning it is awake during the night and sleeps during the day.
  • Spotted Owl's prefer to live in
    old-growth forests where space is provided.
  • As for flying, it has a specific flight pattern which allows quiet gliding. This is useful for hunting for prey.
All of these various behaviours allow survival for the spotted owl. 

Like many animals in the world, the spotted owl reproduces, producing more spotted owls for the environment.
  • These spotted owl pairs usually mate for life.
  • Their habitat is also chosen because of the holes in trees. This comes in handy because these owls do not make their own nest; they use holes in trees or reuse old nests.
  • Two-three eggs are laid in March and April from the mother.
  • After 30 days of incubating, the mother and father will stay with the offspring for 8-10 days.
  • After 34-36 days, the baby owls, or owlets, will grow feathers for flying. 
The trees in their habitat are good nesting spots
as the mother can incubate her eggs. 
Although this process may be complicated, it is important as without new spotted owls, this species of owls would become extinct.